Sunday, July 4, 2010

UKM Tapau-Mania Survey Questionnaires

UKM Tapau-Mania Survey Questionnaires

Statistical Data

A short survey we did on first year students in Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain. Out of 217 students, 82 took the survey and the result for "What do you know about Polystyrene" as follow. Overall not many students know what is polystyrene in general.

The Zero Polystyrene Survey Questionnaires:1) Is the environment important for you?
2) Do you want to protect the environment?
3) What do you know about polystyrene?
4) Now will you use polystyrene food container?
5) If you have an option will you use reusable food containers (e.g. Tupperware, biodegradable container and so forth)
6) Are you willing to pay if extra 20 cents charges for using biodegradable container? Why?

To participate in this survey, you can click on the link as follow.
UKM Tapau-Mania Survey Questionnaires

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