Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tapau Mania Campaign in Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain

It is a day awareness campaign on the 4th July during the orientation week. The objectives of this campaign is to create an awareness to the new students in Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain regarding about the the side effects of using polystyrene container.

Tapau-Mania Mascot. We attract them by using a recyclable materials for the mascot

Board of information, for students to understand more about the environment.

Since it is the first day of the orientation week, normally students will come along with their parents on this registration day. We receive positive feedback from the students. They are curious about the campaign and gave some compliment because of the GREEN PLEDGE BALL on the table. People keep asking and we give up some few info about the cause and effect of polystyrene. We also build a WHITE COFFIN that send a massage of when the usage is more than we can bare, it will surround our life and we can't run away from it. Like living in the coffin, you can escape from it. That is because the polystyrene is not a biodegradable material. Furthermore we make a survey to the new students for us to ensure what level are their at about polystyrene so later on we can find a new ways to give awareness and knowledge about polystyrene to them.

Our Green Pledge Ball

White Coffin. Dare to live inside?

It is a pleasure for us when the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Syarifah Hapsah Syed Hassan Shahabudin and all the administration leaders came to visit the college. We show them our work and we shared some thought and idea to enhance this campaign.

We will strive to ensure this campaign will succeed through out UKM.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    First of all, congrats on your effort and initiative to start a green campaign in UKM. I'm also impressed that there seems to be some continuity of this green campaign since the ZeroWasteUKM project; since majority of these programs tend to get abandoned after a while.

    I think a lot of people are aware that polystrene are bad, but it's troublesome to bring your own container and wash after you use it; the general apathy. I like your idea of charging 20 cents for biodegradable container. Maybe how bout in reverse you can also like 20 cents rebate as incentive to those who bring their own containers? After all if people keep using a new container each time (biodegradable as it is), it will still cause wastage.

    Cheers and all the best,
    Jun Hoe
