Sunday, July 25, 2010

Launching of Tapau-Mania Campaign

Tapau-Mania Campaign, an awareness campaign designed to educate new students in Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain during orientation week about usage of polystyrene food containers. The campaign was launched on Thursday, 8 July in the presence of Dr Noor Ezlin, Dr Maisarah and Dato Paul Selvaraj, honorable speakers of the event.

The concert hall packed with more than 200 new students at Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain, then the program began with an introductory speech on the campaign by Dr Noor Ezlin, in which she explained to students the objectives of the campaign, the effects of waste are generated every day, and the role expected of students to contribute to the success of this campaign through to begin to change this fact, the mitigation of the use of food containers polystyrene, because the change starts from the vicinity of the student which is now the campus, specifically the residence of students.

After that, rolled the activities of the ceremony with a speech by the the Chief Executive Officer of the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA), Dato Paul Selvaraj. Initiated by the view a demonstration about the role of association in its efforts to promote the awareness of consumers towards the best selection of products that guarantee the preservation of freedom of choice that assist consumers to obtain information about the environmental impacts of products prior usage, in order to ensure free environment of waste.

Then concluded his speech, calling on students to choose the alternatives when buying food containers which do not result environmental damage from their use such as polystyrene food containers which considered as non-biodegradable containers.

At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Maisarah has invited the the Chief Executive Officer of the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations to launch the campaign by opening the Styro house as a marking the beginning of the campaign throughout the campus.

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