Thursday, August 12, 2010

ZERO WASTE Future Projects

Some updates about Zero Waste UKM - LESTARI:

1) A permanent Recycling Centre replacing our current mobile recycling centre at Panggung Seni car park is under construction already. This place will be more like awareness and educational one stop centre. Good news - it is a green building, a nice one. We are opening this precious opportunity to students for design and decoration. This is a lifetime experience and the most important note here you are contributing for a better environment. Kindly contact us if you are interested.

2) We are expanding our composting project to Kolej Keris Mas due to good response from the cafeteria. Hope to hear and see more action by students through segregating organic waste and rubbish. Hope to hear some collaboration opportunity from various colleges. Soon we are expanding to Pusanika, they are very keen with our project too.

3) We will change our recycling strategy due to low participation from students. Only 15 students recycle their items to our mobile recycling centre in a month.

4) We are glad to hear good feedback from some of the environmental related clubs on collaborating with LESTARI - Zero Waste UKM on future environmental programmes in UKM. A proper meeting will be conducting soon. Kindly contact us if you are interesting, we are giving consultancy and funding benefit to clubs who join us. Hopefully we are your eyes and ears. Looking forward to see you soon.

5) More environmental grant will be given to lecturer to carry out various projects. The latest grant is Polystyrene Project. We are looking forward to ban polystyrene usage in campus and replacing it with reuasable plastic container (tupperware) and biodegradable container.

6) Under the new Pusat Perkembangan Pelajar (PPP) Kokurikulum system, ecosistem LESTARI will be included as one of the practice modul which mean everyone must participate on environmental activities. More information will be given during the briefing session soon.

7) UKM Tapau-Mania is our main core project in this semester and coming semesters. We are looking forward on reducing campus waste by banning polystyrene which is not biodegradable and unhealthy.

8) A brand new e-waste collection will be conducting soon. We are collecting used computers either recycle or reuse it. Kindly follow us for more information.


